Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 6, 2014

Funny Warm-up Games


We have experienced this game at least three times and we couldn't stop laughing.


Students stand in a circle.

Each creates a Samurai “sword” by putting their hands together, palm-to-palm.

Raising his/her “sword” above his/her head, an improviser lets out a classic ninja yell and brings his/her hands down, “stabbing” across the circle at another improviser.

When the first Samurai has their “sword” up, the other Samurais to his/her right and left have an opportunity to use their own “swords” to stab the first Samurai’s soft underbelly. They will let out a yell when they do so, bringing their arm-swords across the first Samurai’s belly in a lateral motion (they do not actually touch the person, just cut across).

Once the “stab” has been passed, the receiver will raise their sword and let out a yell while passing the stab to another player. The players on his/her left will attack the players belly while shouting, as with the first Samurai.

Play continues until players are thoroughly riled up


Pamela is one of games we played in this process.


Everyone makes a circle, one person starts, he/she will point anyone and speak out something like: pilot, pamela, elephant, washing machine, liquidizer. Then, person who is pointed will do action of this thing with cooperation of 2 people beside him/her. If you don’t pay attention and do wrong action, you will be punched.

It’s really a funny game with cute, sexy actions, even wrong moments. It makes us pay all attention to this game and think so fast what we need to do. This game practices our speed of thinking and attention.

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